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Apartment Hunting

Old Navy jacket (similiar)
Old Navy cardi (similiar)
Loft top (blue version here)
Phillip Lim for Target bag (hauled here)

Photographed by: Tyler

Unfortunately, there's not much time for outfit photos in my life these days. To update you all, our bestie Ricky moved back to Kentucky a couple weeks ago (we miss you!!) and he was my go-to photographer. So basically mine and Tyler's schedules have to miraculously line up for us to have a day off together so that we can shoot outfits.  Thankfully, we had that perfect day happen yesterday and we snapped these pics while checking out an apartment on the Upper East Side. Yes, I was apartment hunting while wearing leopard print and fox fur - total coincidence but we enjoyed a good laugh from it! ha! But yes, we're trying to find the perfect place to move to in just a couple weeks and fingers crossed that yesterday's apartment was just that!  We're working on our application right now and will hopefully know something early next week!  

I hope you have all had a fantastic week!!


Keep up with Opal & Violet!


  1. love the outfit, hope hunting goes well!

    xo. Christine

  2. LOVE your outfit! I need your styling advice!

  3. Love this! The subtle touch of leopard is absolutely perfect!

    xo, Ashleigh @ Fashion in Flight


Thanks for taking the time to leave a little love on Opal & Violet! xo