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FABB: Look 1

vintage belt
vintage earrings
Steve Madden flats (similar)
Phillip Lim for Target bag

Photographed by: Ricky Strong

I am still recovering from my amazing Lucky FABB weekend.  I'm still trying to figure out how all the other fashion bloggers ended up with outdoor city pictures - when did they have time before dark?!  Anyway, I snapped these pics in my apartment lobby after all the events of Thursday.  Maybe I'll throw this outfit back on for some better photos in the future, but I wanted you to get a real idea of my outfit for now.  I loved knotting the bottom of my maxi dress for a more casual feel.  Expect to see this a lot more from me in my maxi looks in the future. 

Check back soon for a recap of the Lucky FABB speakers as well as all the amazing things we received in our gift bags.  We were so spoiled!  I just started a new job this week (more details to come on that soon!) so bare with me here on the blog as I get used to my new work schedule.  

I hope you are all having an incredible week!


Keep up with Opal & Violet!


  1. LOVE this outfit! That dress is amazing and I'm kind of thinking I need to get it for myself. Can't wait to hear about all the fun you had at Lucky! :]

  2. That dark red lipstick looks FABULOUS on you!

    x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina

  3. I found your blog from Whitley's blog - and I am SO happy I did. Love your style! I'm from NYC too, but go to college in Virginia. I love getting to know people from the area!

    Love love love this look, classic with a little edge!

    xx Dana
    Pink Champagne Problems

  4. You look so glamorous Jordan! Love this outfit!!

  5. I love what you chose to wear. You look so chic!

    Kate from Clear the Way

  6. so much fun meeting you! can't wait to hear about the new gig. oh and i love that lipstick on you!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a little love on Opal & Violet! xo