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Camo Crush

I posted a fabulous H&M camo scarf on my Instagram a few days ago and have had several people asking me questions about it since.  While it's not available to shop on their website, I've found some other camo pieces for you that I know you'll love! Enjoy!


Keep up with Opal & Violet!


  1. Although I am not normally a camo person (coming from PA originally that is just not a thing you wear outside of the woods), but I have to admit that I LOVE some of the above pieces, like that jacket with the studs!


    1. Oh girl, I feel you! I'm from the mountains of Kentucky originally so I grew up the same way! But this camo is way more chic! Just think of it as a neutral... like leopard! ;) xx


Thanks for taking the time to leave a little love on Opal & Violet! xo