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What I Did NOT Learn at Lucky FABB

I went to Lucky FABB for many reasons but one of the primary ones was to learn fabulous tips and tricks on how to be a better blogger. Not how to be a better blogger for me.. but for you.  And let me tell you, Lucky FABB did not teach me to fall off the face of the planet like I did for the last week! I promise that I have very good reason for it though and I'll tell you more about that after this much overdue photo recap from my jam packed two days of the amazingness known as Lucky FABB.

The entrance to Lucky Magazine in the Conde Nast building.

The absolutely incredible Eva Chen, Editor in Chief of Lucky Magazine.

Eva Chen & Eva Mendes

Eva & Bryanboy

Celebrity make up artist (and photographer!) Jake Bailey

Katia Beauchamp, co-founder of Birchbox 

Amazing right?! Lucky FABB was such an incredible experience!  So.. about this whole falling off the face of the planet thing! Get excited because I started a new job!!  I'm now a stylist at Rent the Runway, currently working primarily out of the fabulous new 5th Avenue Showroom!!  It's basically a dream position for me and I'm already so in love with both my co-workers and clients. I'm working a LOT of hours so it's taking me a little adjusting to the new schedule.  For now, the plan is to go to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday posting schedule beginning next week. Opal & Violet is completely a priority to me but please bear with me while I figure out the best way to work it into my new extra crazy schedule. 

Thanks so much to you, my loyal readers, for supporting Opal & Violet.  Without you I would never have had the opportunity to attend such a fabulous event as Lucky FABB nor developed such a love for the blogging community to crave creating the material for posts even after a long exhausting work day. Keep an eye out for fresh posts next week!   


Keep up with Opal & Violet!


  1. Congratulations on the new job! I'm excited to graduate from college and look for a career in the fashion industry!

    Pink Champagne Problems

  2. Rent the Runway!!! Amazing!! So jealous! Using it for two weddings this summer!~

  3. Congrats, Jordan!!! So excited for you and your new endeavors! Your energy is just pouring through this blog, as I'm sure it will in your daily job. When we have the blessing of a job that fits our gifts our natural passion shines through and we bless those around us, so thanks for allowing us to tag along through your writing and pics! HUGS!

  4. Congrats girl!! You are killing it up there!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  5. Congratulations on the gig! Wish you the best!

    x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina

  6. I am so jealous of everyone who got to go, it looks like such an awesome time!



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