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Keep It Casual

Old Navy vest (other colors here)
J.Crew Factory shirt (similar)
Macy's earrings (similar)

Photographed by: Ricky Strong

Guys, it's officially Lucky FABB week and I am ridiculously excited!! For those of you who don't know, Lucky FABB is a conference put on by the wonderful people at Lucky magazine for fashion and beauty bloggers.  It's the perfect opportunity to learn how to be better at blogging and network with companies & other bloggers at the same time!  There are tons of amazing bloggers that I've been following for a long time now that I'm so excited to finally meet in person!  Expect to hear much more about the conference later - there will be outfit posts, recaps on speakers (Eva Mendez & Kate Bosworth are two of the big ones!), and much more!  In the mean time, here's a super casual Fall outfit from my weekend of Lucky FABB prep! Enjoy!


Keep up with Opal & Violet!


  1. yes! an immitation j.crew vest at a MUCH lower price point :) Yup, I will be purchasing! great look!

    1. So much less expensive and more color options! Hope you love it!! xx

  2. I have this same vest in black and I love how it looks with the plaid here. I'll definitely be trying something similar, thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Oh I want it in black, too! I have the cream and pink.. but the olive and black definitely need to find their way home, too! ;)

  3. You are so cute in your fall outfit! LOVE your style, Missy.


    1. Awww thank you so much, dear! That means the world to me! xx

  4. Love this look! I'm a huge van of quilted vests and plaid shirts for this season.

    Have so much fun at Lucky FABB! I went last year (but am missing out this year, such a bummer) and it was a BLAST! :]

    1. Aww I wish you were coming - I would have loved to meet you! We'll have to get together another time! xx

  5. Such a cute & cozy look! Have fun at the conference :)

    The Other Side of Gray


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